Yoga FAQ

How often do I practice yoga?

You will feel the difference, even though you practice once a week. Try to exercise two to three days a week if you can, but don’t let unreasonable expectations deter you from performing shorter procedures. It’s a better 10 or 20 minutes than doing nothing at all. In short, when you can, do what you can do. Reflect on what you do, rather than dwelling on what you think you should be doing, and be proud of it.

For my home practice, what equipment do I need?

Without any special equipment or pricey yoga pants, you can get started right away if you practice yoga at home. You feel good wearing clothes that won’t limit your range of motion. In poses like Downward Facing Dog, a yoga mat can provide some cushioning and help stop your hands from slipping. You can find a yoga block or two to be useful for certain poses, but you can use anything in its place most of the time.

What is the perfect time for yoga practice?

Basically, if you can fit yoga in, it comes down to it. The morning is a perfect time to practice; you could wake up stiffly, but with some energizing yoga, opening up your body sets you up for the day. A more calming practice of yoga throughout the evening can be a good way to unwind after work. Some of us are early birds, and others are night owls, so strive to find your own rhythm of yoga and what works for your program.

Can I take food before yoga?

During a yoga session, it’s best to have a more or less empty stomach, so leave at least two hours between your main meal and yoga. Food digestion requires energy and the energy goes to the muscles you exercise when you do yoga straight after a meal, and the body does not properly digest the food. Personally, if I feel like I am too hungry to practice, I could have half a banana or a handful of nuts to give me the fuel I need.

When I am menstruating, can I do yoga?

When they have their time, some women choose to stop their yoga practice while others keep going. Many educators advise not to make reversals such as headstand, handstand, should understand that the head is lower than the heart as they feel that the downward flow is disrupted. For certain females, strong yoga twists can also be awkward. It really depends on the guy, so listen to what your body is saying to you.