Ayurveda Therapies
Ayurveda puts great emphasis on prevention and promotes health conservation by paying close attention to equilibrium in one’s life, correct thought, nutrition, lifestyle and herbal use. Ayurveda knowledge helps one to understand how, according to one’s own individual organization, to establish this harmony of body, mind and consciousness and how to make lifestyle changes to bring about and sustain this equilibrium.
To produce movement, energy is needed so that fluids and nutrients enter the cells, allowing the body to work. To metabolize the nutrients in the cells, energy is also needed and is necessary to lubricate and maintain the structure of the cell. Vata is the energy of motion, pitta is the energy of metabolism or digestion, and kapha is the energy of structure and lubrication. The characteristics of vata, pitta and kapha are common to all humans, but one is usually primary, one secondary, and the third is usually less prominent. Owing to an excess or deficiency of vata, pitta or kapha, the cause of illness in Ayurveda is seen as a lack of proper cellular function.

Abhyanga is an ayurvedic treatment for a relaxing and refreshing massage of the whole body by means of special ayurvedic oils in 7 different postures. Ancient Ayurvedic texts recommend this massage as an everyday routine to condition and revitalize the body.
Relaxing massage of the whole body to stimulate immunity, relieve stress, tiredness, bodily and joint pain and improve the quality of the skin.
Januvasti is the main remedy that Ayurveda recommends to alleviate pain in the knee joints. A circular receptacle made of blackgram dough in janu vasthi is fixed on the patient’s knee joint and medicated oil is poured into it and made to stand for a time of 30-45 minutes.
Sweating carried out by a specially prepared package of medicinal leaves. Here, heat, pressure and oil are applied concurrently. New leaves having vata conciliating properties make the natural kizhi bundle. These kizhi bundle, plunged into warm Ayurvedic oils, will be utilized for kneading the body.
Since ancient times, Herbal Steam Bath has been in practice, offering an incredible variety of health and beauty benefits. It reduces metabolic waste by encouraging transpiration. Promotes circulation in peripherals. It feeds the tissues better. Maintains proper muscle and tendon stress. Promotes nerve functional ability, enhances joint mobility, etc.
Among Pancha karma, Vasthi is one and is the method of administering herbal enema through the rectum. In Vathic ailments, it is the most effective treatment. Kativasti is a simple and special Ayurvedic treatment that requires the retention of the affected with warm Ayuvedic oil.
Ayurvedic considers the gateway to the brain to be the nostrils. This is technique of administering medication through the nostrils is Nasyam. For all head illnesses, fascial paralysis, cervical spondylosis, it is very safe. Efficient therapy for head and neck area associated diseases. It helps to alleviate sinusitis, asthma, tiredness and spondylosis of the cervix.
Netra Tharpanam
Netra Tharpanam is an Ayurvedic eye relaxation treatment. Treatment involves cleaning eyes using pure cow ghee and ayurvedic oils. For anyone who uses spectacles, suffering from tired, dry or sore eyes and professionals working constantly on computers, the Netra Tharpanam treatment is highly recommended and effective.
A steady stream of soft, aromatic oils that soothe your body and mind and provide lasting relief from psychosomatic disorders. This is normally accompanied by Abhyangam using a special system to flow rhythmically over the forehead. Divine and profound relaxation therapy relieves stress, depression and insomnia and increases the strength of memory for migraine headaches.
The method of massaging the body with choornas is Udwartanam. External application, with inexpensive strain, of medicated powder or paste on the body. Massage in retrograde direction is conducted. A special massage for complete detoxification, improving blood circulation, lowering weight and eliminating obesity. Equated as therapeutic passive exercise.
Sirovasthi is the procedure in which the patient’s head is fitted with a leather cap and medicated oil is poured over the head and made to stand for a period of 30-45min.it is useful for head diseases, psychological disorders. It is an ayurvedic therapy technique in which a leather cap held hollow inside is covered in the outer region of the head to place medicated oil in it for a particular time in such a way that oil cannot be leaked out.
Pizhichil is a very successful type of treatment specific to the Kerala Vaidyas. Cotton cloths are soaked in warm medicated oil and are constantly poured for 45-60 minutes over the body. Oil bath with gentle body massage that helps to minimize muscle spasms and manage the adverse effects of various degenerative diseases. It relaxes your body and mind.
A type of sudation therapy in which medicated leaves are used. The proportion of ingredients differs according to the symptoms of the disease. Using various medicinal herbs, Elakizhi or Patrapotala Sweda is an ancient Ayurvedic sudation therapy that strengthens and nourishes the Neuro muscle system, serving as a pain reliever. Beneficial for extreme arthritis pain, muscle sprain, bone degenerative diseases.
Linen bags containing special rice processed in milk are a type of herbal fomentation therapy. It is used to provide the tissues of the body, especially bones, muscles and other soft tissues, with strength and nutrition. Neurological and vertebral conditions like frozen elbow, paralysis, Parkinson’s, spondylosis and arthritis massage therapy.
Podikizhi is one of the most popular and effective Ayurvedic therapies using kizhis (cotton bolus) with a mixture of 12 herbs, dipped in medicated oils, involving full body massage (or the affected part). It is productive in the treatment of neuro-muscular disorders, binging back the equilibrium of the natural body. It is achieved with boluses of different powdered medicines. This one early diagnosis and successful treatment with Ayurveda.